Day 3

Day 3
We got fairly a lot of work done today. Darkroot is in the process of working on the collisions, and all that jazz. I worked on the jump animation of the character, and resizing the map, so it has a nice proportion to it, compared to the character. Now that I’m already in Summer School (optional art class, mind you), I will have a slightly smaller time spot to be working on this. But, I’ll be trying my very best to produce fine results. I’m thinking by the end of tomorrow we will have some type of play motion going on, maybe, maybe not. Keep your eye on this!
Thing to accomplish in the near future:
– Buildings for the islands
– Brainstorm of ideas for tasks to complete
– Villagers
Here’s the running and jumping animation, for eye candy.
Keep in mind, the jumping will have the illusion of leaping higher when jumping off a cliff, or something.

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